The Food Map indicates which foods are most suitable starting with information derived from DNA analysis. The suitability value of foods, that is, how positively or negatively foods interact with health status, is detected through an innovative method that integrates personal medical history (disorders, diseases, physiological conditions) and individual genetic characteristics. Each food in the Map is distinguished by a suitability value ranging from 0 to 100: the higher the value, the greater the suitability of that food for the body, while a low suitability value indicates that that food not only does not give a therapeutic benefit, but also damages, in the long run, the metabolism and thus health.
The foods examined by the map are grouped by type (white meats, vegetables, fruits, etc.); a color (green, yellow, brown, red) is also associated with each suitability value.
The Food Map is, at this time, the only tool that provides an organic picture of how to approach food in order to improve health, achieve and maintain an ideal weight.